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Re: Local MG Car club dues

To: mgs <>
Subject: Re: Local MG Car club dues
From: Bullwinkle <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 20:20:31 -0700
> And I know you weren't soliciting philosophy, but IMHO, if the other
> activities of the club are not entirely financially self supporting, then
> you should find some other source of "fund raising", but not milk the
> membership fees.

Couldn't agree more.  Which is why I was not very happy when the NEMGTR raised
its dues to $40.  The problem is there is a great difference in income for the
same occupation in the US.  The starting teacher salary in SD is about $21,000
and the average salary is $26,000 for teachers whose age averages 45 something. 
The average hourly wage in SD is in the neighborhood of $8.50.  And I am asked
to pay the same dues as the teacher in Minnesota whose average salary I believe
is about $35,000.


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