>Have any of you ever tore down an engine that had sugar or some other
>bad substance put in the gas tank? What was the effect of the sugar and
>what did the interior of the engine look like?
Sugar in the gas tank should not cause a lot of problems. The modern day gas
should dissolve most of it out and and at most may require the gas tank
screen (if any) filters (if any) to be cleaned or replaced and may cause
some gumming of the carb or carbs. The real problems comes if some one put
the sugar in the engine's crankcase. Then the sugar will turn to whatever
and can go as far as causing the engine to freeze up. Most of the time it
doesn't cause real damage but does require the engine to be torn complete
down and in some cases chemically dipped to clean. Of course if it was a lot
of sugar in the tank it would exceed the cleaning effect of the gas and just
be carried thru to the carbs.