One possibility is that his mailserver is rejecting mail from the
list. Some spam filters that are improperly set up will not accept
listserv mail. It's possible there was no filter when he signed up, but
one was added later by his ISP. Another possibility is that this
mailserver was blackballed (banned) from sending stuff to him, either
perhaps due to some actual spam that crept through, some multiple message
problem, some off-color jokes (about cats?), or who knows what.
The "user unknown" is sometimes automatically generated when a server is
Or, he could perhaps honestly have closed that account.
If you can email him directly but not through the list, that would suggest
the list is banned. If no one can email him at all at that account, then
perhaps the account is closed.
- Tab
At 07:19 PM 10/9/00 -0600, David Councill wrote:
>Funny you should mention that. I have the same problem except I get a
>message back that says -
> ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
> ----- Transcript of session follows -----
>... while talking to
> >>> RCPT To:<>
><<< 553 <>... Mail from refused, telephone +1
>401 276 4700 for further information
>550 <>... User unknown
>At 09:05 PM 10/9/00 -0400, Carl W French wrote:
> >Can anyone tell me why every time that I reply to Frank at his primary
> >e-mail address ( I get it returned? I have to send stuff
> >to his backup address that he does not check as often (hint hint Frank,
> >many images in your AOL box).
> >
> >Carl French