They are Johnny Lightning "British Invasion" series.
You can buy them on the web at, although they only sell
the sets of six, which includes a Bugeye and E-type and don't have Series
2 (different colors) yet.
You can buy them individually at and they _do_ have
Series 2, which include a red MGA and a BRG MGB (which is RHD for some
reason, despite the fact that _all_ the other cars are LHD).
Although they call the MGA a Twin Cam, there is nothing Twin Cam about
it. It has wire wheels and the hood opens to reveal a "regular" MGA
engine with a single valve cover-- not the Twin Cam engine with the plugs
down the middle and the two cam covers.
I've already bought enough of the damned things to have my own little
British Car show on a bookshelf. Am I nuts, or what?
Supposedly for them to have "collector value" you leave them on the
cards. Phooey, that's like owning a trailer queen!
David Littlefield
Houston, TX
On Thu, 05 Oct 2000 19:54:53 +0000 Dave Houser <>
> Sorry.
> Lost that info on those new MG A and B models recently posted. Went
> to
> K-mart, Walmart-nothing!
> What brand were these? prices?
> Cheers,
> Dave Houser