What is it with the ladies and Rain-X?!?
I applied some to the windscreen of my Toyota recently, and my wife flipped
out. Even though it was applied perfectly, she claimed that the beading
effect was smeary, and that she couldn't see. And the wipers were brand
new! I showed the glass to my mother, mother-in-law, and a young female
neighbor, and they agreed that they couldn't see through it. My
father-inlaw, father, and just about every other man that I know that drives
a car swears by this stuff.
Do anyone else have a wife, girlfriend, daughter, etc. complain about this
wonderful chemical?
I apply the stuff to both sides of the Midget windscreen, so that the dog
drool beads. (See previous post)
'74 Midget
'68 Sprite
Bloomfield, NJ
"How about we duck inside for a Hen?"