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Re: Thread Direction

To: Bullwinkle <>
Subject: Re: Thread Direction
From: Charley & Peggy Robinson <>
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 16:17:10 -0500
 Ummm, I have the knock-off nuts that you use a wrench on.  When I first
got the current B, I bough one of those fan 2 1/2' long safety knock-off
wrenches that Moss peddles and John Twist endorses.   If I use the
wrench to tighten the nuts, after 50 miles or so the nuts have tightened
to point that I can't loosen them with the wrench!  I bent the thing
jumping on it!  Waste of money, except it proved that the nuts DO
tighten up.

  Anybody wanta buy a wrench? ;^)  Such a deal I'll mke ya.....



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