Next Sunday, September 24th is the annual FlatwaterBritish Car Show.
While the winners of several of the larger regional and some national
events will be present, this is a show that celebrates cars that are
driven. There is no entry fee, and there are no trophies, but there
are prizes of merchandise generously donated by Moss Motors. Prized
will be awarded for peoples choice, diamond in the rough, the largest
fluid leak, and the car that has traveled furthest to attend. If your
car arrives on a trailer and is not a race car or broken, we may
throw rocks while you unload, but we will allow you to play. We
generally have good weather, and there will be between 60 and 90
British cars with enthusiastic owners just waiting to talk with you
about our shared interest. If you are close Lincoln, Ne join us
between 10:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. Sunday the 24th of September, 2000
Bob Shaw
Check out Shaw's Garage at
My British Car is NOT leaky - it's merely marking its territory.