To Valerie's suggestions I would add that I have used a Gunsons EeziBleed to
fill/flush a system but have still had to get my beautiful assistant to
stand on the pedal while I quickly snap each front bleed nipple open and
closed. It has always got extra air out of the system and left me with a
good pedal action.
----- Original Message -----
From: Valerie Stabenow <>
To: Donald Markham <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2000 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: Brake system problems, Please Help
> Try rebleeding the system with the front end of the car up about 10 to 12
> inches above the rear end. This has helped me get rid of some air that was
> hiding. Also...bleed the wheel that's the farthest from the MC first, then
> the next closest, etc etc. Make sure the reservoir level does not drop too
> far.
> Valerie Stabenow, mga, tr4a, xk-e, tr6