Sorry to hear of your loss. My experience with State Farm is not good -
they will try to say your car is old and not worth much. However, what they
won't tell you is that they have to make you "whole". That means that
you'll have to be firm with them and don't let them talk you into less than
what it takes to be back in the road with your car or its equivalent.
67 BGT
71 BGT
At 12:39 PM 8/23/2000 -0400, Christopher W. Reichle wrote:
>It looks like I may have lost my 80 B in an accident with a Toyota today...
>To keep this short, I was in the right lane about two car lengths back from
>the Toyota in the left lane. The 80 year old driver in the toyota decided to
>make a sharp right across my lane into a parking lot. I tried to stop but I
>cought his right bumper with my front left fender. His car rode up over my
>rubber bumber ripping off the top if the bumper and crushing in the hood and
>left fender badly, my driver door now sticks. He spun around and came to a
>stop now facing out of the parking lot towards my car which had stopped
>straight in my lane. I hear a bit of clicking from his car and motion to him
>to shut off the car but he was confused. Seconds later the car starts
>rolling towards me, I'm yelling for him to stop and he hits the gas and
>T-boned me on the passenger side door completely caving it in. Yes, he was
>found at fault but this does not bring my car back from the dead.
>I have made many improvements to the car that have cost me thousands
>incuding installing A/C, an overdrive, and suspension mods. I'm affraid that
>the insurance company (both are state farm) is going to total the car, give
>me a tiny check, and haul away all of my custom work and parts. I have
>another B shell that I would ideally like to take what ever money I can get
>for the damage to the 80 B and put it towards fixing up another non-running
>B I have, so that I may again have a working B and preserve the work I have
>done thus far.
>Does anyone have any exprience with ins. adjusters regarding gettting a
>reasonable value for my car? We all know that to the untrained eye this
>might look like a tired old car but there's gold in them thar wheels. Any
>advice would be appreciated.
>I proposed to my wife in this car and, yes... I cried.
>Chris Riechle