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AMCO consoles was: free radio & console.

To: Jim Stuart <>
Subject: AMCO consoles was: free radio & console.
From: James Nazarian Jr <James.Nazarian@Colorado.EDU>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 16:24:05 -0600 (MDT)
on the topic of AMCO consoles, does anyone know where to get a replacement
armrest for it, mine is in terrible shape.  BTW the armrest is different
than the one that came on the later B center console.

James Nazarian
'71 B roadster
'71 BGT ever so slowly turning into a V8
'63 Buick 215 

"I sure wish I had a racer's budget, or are the racers just better at
explaining expenses to the wife?"

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Jim Stuart wrote:

> Tim-
> The center console you have is an AMCO after market piece, considered by
> many to be very desirable. It was sold to owners of 1968 (?) & earlier
> cars that only had a small console under the dash, & nothing along the
> transmission tunnel. I am just outside Washington (D.C) otherwise, I
> would jump on your offer. Alas, the driving distance is just too far,
> wrong Washington.
> If no one else is interested, I would be happy to compensate you for
> your time & expense & then some, to mail the item. Not really interested
> in the radio. The console would look good in the 1967 I am building.
> Jim Stuart

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