I've managed to stay current on this list for much of this year and the
traffic is somewhat high. It seemed like it was a lot worse a few years ago
so I ended up unsubscribing at the time. About six months later, I
subscribed to the digest and it was quite a while later before I dared to
go back to individual messages again.
Three suggestions:
1. If the volume is too excessive, go to the digest and get one large email
per day.
2. Use the filtering function of your email program to dump all your mg
list email into one mailbox or folder, then delete or read as time permits.
3. Periodically send out a message like Barrie's, particularly if certain
threads get out of hand. This helps remind us to get back on track or keep
things in moderation. Or respond to a thread with "Enough" or "kill this
Things could be worse. This is actually a fairly good list - I've seen some
that get a lot further out of control.
note - I did not copy this to Barrie. Otherwise, he would get two messages.
However, those of you on the digest may prefer to be copied so you don't
have to wait a full day to see the reply in the digest. Something to
mention if you are on the digest and want a quicker reply.