The '78 has an autochoke, so I can't do that, but yes - it seems to happen
more upon initial driving than after I've been out for a while. Thanks for
the confirmation - sounds like it is a timing problem for sure.
Though I'm a little fuzzy on the relationship between the timing and the
high temps.... ?
- Tab
At 10:49 PM 7/22/00 -0400, Bud Krueger wrote:
> I was also experiencing some mild backfiring and the need to keep
> the choke
>out for an inordinate length of time in the morning (about 10 miles' worth).
>Advancing the timing has cured all three problems.
>Tab Julius wrote:
> > Interestingly, I've recently been having my car push the red.
> >
> > For a while, it was a valid problem - leakage from the water pump.
> >
> > However, it still occurs. Recently I've started getting backfiring, which
> > I have NEVER had on this car ('78B). It started just after a new tank of
> > gas, and I thought it was just fuel-related (I don't know what causes
> > backfiring), but a friend who works with cars said backfiring would not be
> > fuel, it would be timing.
> >
> > Is this so? If so, would that explain my recent incursions into the red
> > plus the occasional backfiring (which tends to occur while shifting at low
> > speeds)? What should I do to fix the backfiring (and hopefully the temp
> > problem too)?
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > - Tab
> >
> > ps: I have flushed the radiator, and was looking to get it re-cored, but
> > if it's a timing issue then I'll not undertake that just yet...
> >
> > At 05:42 PM 7/22/00 -0400, Bud Krueger wrote:
> > >The temperature gauge on my 77B has been running very close to the red
> when
> > >cruising at highway speeds (65-ish) on moderate to warm days (80-ish). My
> > >first
> > >attack was to replace the thermostat with a 180 degree one. No
> effect. Began
> > >to feel certain that it was being caused by tweaking the HS-4's a bit
> > >leaner to
> > >beat the fuel prices. Backed off a couple of flats. No help. Finally, I
> > >remembered Lawrie's admonition that 90% of SU problems are spelled
> L-U-C-A-S.
> > >And, he recently suggested timing to a lister with a similar problem.
> Checked
> > >the timing -- sonuvagun. It needed a tweak of about 10 degrees in the
> advance
> > >direction. That did it. Needle's back in the middle of the
> range. As they
> > >say, YMMV, but it worked for me. Thanks Lawrie.
> > >
> > >
> > >--
> > >Bud Krueger
> > >
> > >52TD
> > >77MGB
> > >
>Bud Krueger