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seeking SU carb overflow pipe for '68 MGB

Subject: seeking SU carb overflow pipe for '68 MGB
From: John Hunt <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 12:28:16 -0700 (PDT)
During a recent engine rebuild I discovered that the
overflow pipe on the rear SU carb on my '68 MGB was cut
through by rubbing against the exhaust manifold heat shield.  

First of all, what kind of quality control is this:  
a design or manufacturing defect showing up after only 32 years!

Moss shows overflow pipes but lists them as "not available".
I don't see them in any of catalogs of other common suppliers.

Can someone on the list suggest a source?

Maybe someone has had success making a replacement?

The material appears to be large diameter steel brake line.


John Hunt

Portland, OR.

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