That is quite a tale of woe, Larry.
: (
Hopefully things will turn around this week. Plenty of sunny weather
coming up, at any rate, so "chin up"!
I just thought I would make a general comment on one small incident:
bleeding the clutch. It strikes me that I cannot imagine any situation in
which reluctant clutch performance would be more than momentarily
alleviated by simply bleeding the clutch system. In all the many
instances recounted on this list, invariably either the master or slave
cylinder, or less frequently the hose, turned out to need replacing
(often all three). Unlike the brake system, there are no shoes or pads to
wear out which would naturally cause the fluid level to drop (due to the
lever action, I don't think clutch disc wear affects the fluid level
noticeably, but I could be wrong). So if your clutch fluid level has gone
down significantly, and the pedal needs to be "pumped", or goes to the
floor, my inclination would be to say "don't waste your time bleeding it,
you might as well get on the phone to Moss" or whomever (after
determining which component is at fault).
Larry Macy had this to say:
>Well what beautiful weather we had here in SE Penn.
Max Heim
'66 MGB GHN3L76149
If you're near Mountain View, CA,
it's the red one with the silver bootlid.