I may be guilty of this one somewhat. But after my Inquire raised the ire of
some listers I got quite. I got the impression that some where very offended or
apauled by the mention of mixing high octane leaded gas in your tank. Or driving
fast. Or tweaking as much HP out of you engine as you can. That they had to
jump up on there soap box and condemn such activities. There are a lot of
people on this list with many different skill levels and ideas of what there MG
should be. I love going to shows and meets and seeing an absolute perfect
example of an MG as it would of looked coming off the assembly line as well as
one capable of outrunning a Mustang and even the rust bucket held together by
spit and bailing wire the owner drives everyday. I did get some knowledgeable
replies on how octane works and it's effect on performance. And to those people
I want to say thank you. And a BIG thanx to Laurie and and the other
knowledgeable people on here. And specially Kelvin for stepping in and helping
solve issues with our favorite parts distributer. And no, I dont think I went
to far with my mods.. In fact.. I plan on taking it up another notch on the
performance scale. And, I'm not young.. I'm an old fart.. I quess thats
relitive.. Someone in there 60's or older might think I'm young. <bg>
Dennis Cox
67 MGB
Lawrie Alexander wrote:
> A corollary to this, surely, is the lack of manners shown by so many people
> who ask specific questions, or request specific information, and never even
> take the trouble to hit "Reply", type "TNX" and then hit "Send" when someone
> has taken the time to post a detailed answer. I'm sure I'm not alone in
> wondering what happened to the basic good manners of "please" and "thank
> you".
> Lawrie
> British Sportscar Center
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James H. Nazarian, Ph.D. <microdoc@apk.net>
> Cc: MG List <mgs@autox.team.net>
> Date: Thursday, May 25, 2000 1:11 PM
> Subject: Anybody notice a lot of hostility in the air lately?
> >This is a great hobby we share. But could we turn down the angry
> >control? If we all wrote like we could bump into the recipient tomorrow
> >at a car show the tone of some discussions would become much more
> >friendly. Of course, that's just my !@#$%^&*+ opinion.
> >
> >Jim (the old guy)
> >
> >BTW, this is recognized now as "normal" internet chat behavior
> >attributable to the facelessness of our correspondents.
> >