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Re: LBC guy buys BIG BC

Subject: Re: LBC guy buys BIG BC
From: Rick Brown <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 18:08:05 -0400
Terry Allen (not on the list - hell he still has a rotary phone) from Ferndale,
PA has an absolutely pristine 74 B Roadster a 58 MGA and a 67 Land Rover. 
him tomorrow for our annual ride out to Carlise - he will be taking the Land
Rover (parts hauler :)

Rick wrote:

> I'm such a hypocrite. After all my anti-SUV feelings, I am actually buying
> one for myself. God help me.
> Quite by accident, I came across a particular SUV that caught my eye everyday
> at my mechanic's shop, which is just at the bottom of the exit I get off when
> I come home from work. Price was too high at first, but after a couple
> reductions, I mentioned it to my wife, and we decided to go for a ride.
> Before I knew it, I had agreed to buy a 1989 Range Rover. She ran well, the
> a/c blew cold, looked great with the exception of a couple rust bubbles, and
> everything worked (except the tach and foglights, which are being fixed).
> Interior was mint, and the usual Range Rover amenities, optional sunroof and
> Pioneer CD player hardly dissuaded me.
> So I now will own two British machines, curiously the smallest post-1970 LBC,
> the MG Midget, and the largest, the Range Rover (with the exception of the
> Range Rover LWB). I can't wait to take a picture of the two of them next to
> each other.
> Out of curiousity, are there any other MG & Land Rover owners out there? I'd
> love to know.
> Tom
> 1978 MG Midget
> 1989 Range Rover
> 1995 Audi 90

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