Hey...Don't forget Mount Joy Auto in Hyattsville.
Dan Dwelley
77 Midget
Alexandria, Va.
On Wed, 10 May 2000 04:32:44 -0700 (PDT), Dan wrote:
> --0-846930886-957958364=:2269
> "Michael E. Blair" wrote:
> > How about any good MG garages?
> There are two I've been very happy with.
> First, is Treasured Motor Cars Limited, 410-833-2329. The owner once
worked for Lucas. The other is Northwest Imports Limited, 410-526-2811. My
first choice would be Treasured Motor Cars.
> Mike, you never got back to me about the SUs. Make an offer, you might be
> Dan
> ---------------------------------
> --0-846930886-957958364=:2269
> "Michael E. Blair" wrote: <BR><BR>> How about any good MG
garages? <BR><BR><BR><BR>There are two I've been very happy with.
<BR><BR><BR><BR>First, is Treasured Motor Cars Limited, 410-833-2329. The
owner once worked for Lucas. The other is Northwest Imports Limited,
410-526-2811. My first choice would be Treasured Motor Cars.
<BR><BR><BR><BR>Mike, you never got back to me about the SUs. Make an offer,
you might be suprised... <BR><BR><BR><BR>Dan
<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><p><br><hr size=1><b>Do You Yahoo!?</b><br>
> --0-846930886-957958364=:2269--
Dan Dwelley
77 Midget
Alexandria, Va.
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