What a bummer, George.... Hope you're okay??
--- Gonaj@aol.com wrote:
> I really wish the guys in the 2nd and 3rd cars
> behind me on the commute home
> yesterday had better brakes.
> The '76 MGB got sandwiched then a secondary hit.
> Jack a...s were looking at
> the wreck on the side of the road instead of the
> stopped line of cars ahead.
> At least the cops were already there. What a pain.
> Now I can pot my hand in
> the space around the trunk lid, screwed my brand new
> exhaust, both front &
> rear bumpers mis aligned and the bonnet is
> caddywumpas. At least the doors
> are still moving freely. One step forward and two
> back.
> I guess even better brakes wouldn't have helped
> these jacki.
> george
> '76 MGB ...How do they do that sad face?
Dan D
Dayton, NJ
76 MGB Tourer
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