Well it is a ways from San Jose, But that is the same dates as the LAST
Spring Carlisle Import Show, in Carlisle PA. Car show, swap meet, vendors
galore. Grab somebodies spare MG and cruise on up. It's only about 2000
miles (one way).
PS have a blast at the WWDC, wish I was going. Say Hi to Steve for me. ;-)
At this exact moment in time 4/20/00 5:52 PM, eric@erickson.on.net made
the profound statement:
>It seems like (always a 5% chance it falling through) I will be heading
>to San Jose for a conference from May 15 - 19. I guess they are going
>to want me to do some work while I am there after paying all that money
>(Australia to San Jose for a week ain't cheap) but if there is anything
>in the way of MG stuff happening near that time I would certainly
>appreciate knowing about it.
>For those who might care or who might be going there, this is the APPLE
>I have never driven an MG in the States so it would be an experience if
>it was possible.
>'68MGB MkII
Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Administrator/Manager
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 1015 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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question and you're a fool for the rest of your life.