The rear flange can sometimes be polished at the time the crankshaft is
reground - if your machine shop is asked nicely. The front seal surface is,
of course on the crank pulley, not the crankshaft, and this usually responds
to careful polishing with fine emery cloth.
If, however, either surface is so badly pitted that it won't polish smooth,
or if it is deeply grooved from the old seal wearing it away, you can save
both surfaces by using a "Seal Saver" or "Speedi-Sleeve". These are
available from most good auto parts houses under the following numbers.
(Other brands are also available; the shop should be able to cross-reference
to these numbers).
Front pulley - National Redisleeve No. 99156
Rear flange of crankshaft - " " 99350
Be warned, however: they are not cheap!
British Sportscar Center
----- Original Message -----
From: Kim Lang <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 1:57 AM
Subject: Crankshaft
> I posted this message a few days ago but due to browser problems it
> probably wasn't received. So here goes...... I was given 2 MGB motors
> and intend to use one in my A. They both are 5 main cranks and are
> rusted. Rods and mains are both at .010. Since there is rust on the
> surfaces that are used for the seals themselves the question becomes;
> can those surfaces be turned and are oversized seals available? TIA.
> Larry