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Re: Sitting High, and Lovin' it!

Subject: Re: Sitting High, and Lovin' it!
From: Eric <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 02:24:28 +0610 wrote:
> << Now, are you supposed to look at the stop lights through the 
>    windshield,  or above it? >>
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Definitely ABOVE.  To look thru means you either have the hood up, 
> or you are  a nerd.

Don't you hate it when you are a few cars back from the lights so that
the top of the windscreen just manages to block the green light.  You
can end up looking like one of those 'bobbing dogs' looking over then
through the windscreen to see when the lights change (yes, I know that
when the red light goes out you can assume it has gone green, but...)


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