Oops, I almost forgot "The Bible" - Original MGB by Clausager!
Very useful for figuring out what is "right" for your car.
Word on the street is that Skye Poier said:
> Word on the street is that Judy Brennan said:
> > Hello to everyone!
> > I have owned a 77 mgb for the past 12 years and am sorry to say it has been
> > neglected. It is due for a major overhaul.
> > I am an extreme novice. Can anyone recommend a good reference manual?
> You should get the Porter DIY book and Haynes to start with...
> http://www.mgb.bc.ca/reference/books.html
> My web site is also somewhat useful ;)
> Skye
> --
> 1966 MGB - GHN3L Safety Fast! __,__\__
> The MGB Experience http://www.mgb.bc.ca/ (_o____o_)