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Rule of Nine and a Bit

To: "MGS Digest" <>
Subject: Rule of Nine and a Bit
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 18:53:35 -0000
To cut a long story short my B has had what sounds like tappet rattle, and
one very heavy tappet, for the 10 years I have owned it despite checking the
clearances several times over the years - I just learned to live with it.

Yesterday, while doing a pre-season check, I discovered that whilst the gap
on No. 8 at the classic 'rule of nine' position (No. 1 fully down) was
correct (15 cold), if I turned the crank a little more the gap went up to
about 21! This also happened to No. 6 but to a lesser degree, and also to
No. 7 but this time it was slightly *before* No. 2 was fully down.

Re-adjusting for these 'extra' clearances results in an incredibly quiet
engine, but I am a little concerned about running it like this.

Comments and opinions?


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