One more point on the subject: a new MG will no doubt be partially design
in the ubiquitous wind tunnel. (Why else do so many cars resemble each
other. Physics is physics.) If I were to predict, the design features of a
new MG would also resemble in probably too many ways other cars of its ilk.
The uniqueness of the MGA and MGB's and what we've put into them (in terms
of time, $$ and effort) would be gone or not be there and a new MG would be
exactly that...a new and different car with a familiar name, built with new
processes and new technologies. It would not be the same. [Have you ever
looked in the engine compartment of a Miata. I could barely fit my hands
in, let alone do some repairs.]
A new sports/sporty car may well make it if it designed nice enough, and it
would attract many, but not for the reasons I, and possibly you, own the
cars I/you have now.
I saw the MGF in Sydney on my trip there last Spring and I was not overly
impressed. It did not look all that different from others, and just because
it is being sold, Neil, doesn't mean it will be producing the cadre of MG
owners such as the do-it-yourselfers of this list.