Just noticed this thread. I've posted messages elsewhere to this effect so
forgive me if you've heard it before. I made nice 1/2" mahogany (as original) by
gluing 2 sheets of cheap, easy-to-find 1/4" lauan mahogany with waterproof
formica cement.
There are so many screws holding the edges that I don't think I'd notice a
difference between this and metal.
A sears or other brand hand-held jigsaw, or sabersaw, will cost you far less
than a carpenter's time and you'll always have the tool (smaller than a steam
45 degree angles are easy with a tool like this.
I keep replying to threads about floorboards because I was surprised at how much
easier they were than I expected them to be.
Good luck, whatever you decide.
John V.
Neil Cotty wrote:
> Thanks everyone for the valuable input. It looks like I will be making these
> boards myself. I got two quotes around the $500 AUD mark which must be way
> out of line. I need to check into costs for the plywood I think. I feel bad
> for the poor trees... I feel a massacre coming on here. ;)
> Cheers,
> Neil.