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Subject: Keys
From: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 01:11:38 -0400
Yeah - you heard about the guy who locked  his B with the top down, lost
the keys, and it started raining.  He couldn't get back in the car to put
the top up.   8^)

Seriously, folks... Where I work, we have parking permits in the form of
hang tags (they hang from the rear view mirror).  ' Had a couple get
stolen, so I started locking the car (top up!) and haven't had any trouble
in several years since.  Sure, we know  the dot fasteners can be popped and
in 10 seconds you can get in the car, but most casual thieves don't know

' Course part of my secret is NO RADIO ((ahem... pardon me... "audio
system")).  There's nothing to steal.


>You guys are not locking the doors on you're roadsters are you whats the
>point unless it has a hardtop

         Allen H. Bachelder  =iii=<
         Sinking Creek Home for Wayward MGs
         49 YT, 57 ZB, 58 ZB, 65 B, 67 BGT, 73 B, 73BGT, 76 B, &...
         New Castle, VA 24127

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