On a '77 B, the two keys are not just different - they are very different.
I presume you have the ignition key. The door key fits the boot also.
There is a third key for the glovebox - but it's almost always missing. If
you try out door keys from about 20 friend's MGBs, I'm willing to bet
you'll find one that fits!
>From: "M. Edwin Vaughan" <edvaughan@juno.com>
>Hello All,
>I own a '77 B and I am wondering if the door lock key and ignition key
>are supposed to be seperate or is one key supposed to do both functions?
Allen H. Bachelder =iii=<
Sinking Creek Home for Wayward MGs
49 YT, 57 ZB, 58 ZB, 65 B, 67 BGT, 73 B, 73BGT, 76 B, &...
New Castle, VA 24127