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Re: Just wondering

Subject: Re: Just wondering
From: David Councill <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 09:16:02 -0700
I subscribe to the digest - that way I only get 1-2 list emails a day. 
Although that puts me almost a day behind on some conversations, its easier 
to keep up and manage the email. I just have to hit the "page down" key 
through some stuff.

I originally started on this list about five years ago. There were a lot 
fewer of us then and the email was easily managed. And I could often 
respond within minutes to questions from others on the list.  I finally had 
to unsubscribe when the email increased to over 50 a day often filled with 
irrelevant postings (anyone remember the cat thread?) After about six 
months, I came back and I've stuck with the digest ever since then.

But on the good side, the huge increase in list participants the past few 
years has also increased available resources. Yesterday, I went through 
price shock when I was looking at a $400 part for my overdrive transmission 
- but I got a lot of responses to my email to this list and found several 
potential sources for that part and some other parts, used but much cheaper 
in price.


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