My usual apology for being about 60 pages behind in my list reading, but I
came across this and thought I might be interesting.
Healey Marque, the magazine (and a nice one) of the AH Club of America is
running a series of reminiscences by Bic Healey, Donald's youngest, and only
surviving son. From the October '99 issue, page 10:
"The Austin-Healey and MG Car Clubs shared an office at Abingdon and
produced a first class magazine SAFETY FAST, which catered to both clubs,
providing a very vital link between the factory and the owners....I was
appalled some years later when British Leyland, having taken over BMC,
decided overnight to close the club offices. Les Needham, then secretary of
the Austin-Healey Club, telephoned me to say that he had had instructions to
destroy all club material and would I like to come down and remove
everything from Abingdon?"
He did, and the marques separated, with each publishing their own magazine.
The MG folks started a magazine called SAFETY FAST on their own, leaving the
Healey folks with only "Happy Healeying", as a rather dull salutation.