There's been some good advice posted so far, but you might also consider
Practical Classics on MGB Restoration or Lynday Porter's MGB Restoration
Guide. While the various manuals are key the others provide good practical
approaches to restorations.
In addition to Moss And Vicky Brit, get on the mailing lists for The Proper
MG (, BritTek (e-mail and Northwest Imports
(can't find the #). BritTek is good for performance upgrades and Proper MG
is a good alternative to the pricier national houses.
Also, get yourself a distributor. They can often cut 10% - 15% or more off
the Moss price, even during sale times (Moss has a nice sale going on now
through mid-Feb, so call and get there flyer immediately or visit them on the
Web). There's a good one in Maine (Dick Burger -- The British Parts
Connection -- and also in Pennsylvania (Ken Lamers -- British
Sports Car Restorations -- They both offer on-line quotes,
regular specials, etc. etc. I've found them to have the best discounts, but
I'm sure others on the list might know of distributors closer to Syracuse.
And of course, most importantly, HAVE FUN AND SAFETY FAST!!
Steve Clarke
Fanwood, NJ
'68 BGT
'52 TD