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RE: Clutch

To: "'Max Heim'" <>,
Subject: RE: Clutch
From: "Lind, Jon" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 16:28:22 -0700
> Sounds like a dead or dying cylinder. Check the fluid at the 
> bleed screw 
> -- if it's black or grungey looking, that's it. Then you need 
> to figure 
> out which one is the culprit. You can probably think of a way to do 
> this...
> Lind, Jon had this to say:
> >I've got the same problem.  The clutch doesn't work at all.  

Well, the fluid is long since fresh, considering how much I lost in my
various techniques attempting to bleed it.  It's starting to sound like
"rebuild" time, though.  I'm going to try one more bleeding technique
(probably my 6th) and see what happens, but it doesn't sound good.

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