j r overcash wrote:
> Thursday November 11 is Veterans Day, here in the US. There are a number of
> active duty and veterans on this list. Please take a moment to reflect on
> the sacrifices these individuals make to allow us to have the freedoms we
> do. If you know a vet are someone on active duty thank them, if you don't
> the next time you see some one from a veterans organization thank them.
> Ross Overcash,74B,NAMGBR 1172
> Ayer, MA
> http://www.tiac.net/users/jroverca/index.htm
> Master Sergeant, Retired USArmy
Thanks, Ross, for the reminder. If any of you are looking for the typical
year-end tax deductible charitable contributions, consider any reputable veteran
related organization. A lot of veterans did not end up as well as most of this
list did.
MG content- There was a BRG chrome bumpered MG in the Roy Rogers Museum
parking lot in Victorville, CA at about noon, Friday. I couldn't read the
license from SB I-15 but it was not a CA plate. What could be more
American?-The Roy Rogers Museum and a green MG traveling around the country
side. 1500+ miles from Kansas City to Fontana, CA, and that was the only LBC I
Larry Dickstein
Lone Jack, MO
11B US army 1966-1969 (You remember that MOS, don't you, Ross?