My PC crashed while sending a bunch, which is why some of them were sent
twice i.e. when I rebooted and tried again.
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Conley <>
To: Jim <>
Cc: MG LIST <>
Date: 26 October 1999 06:13
Subject: RE: 3rd duplicates 1 of 2, 52TD Cyl Head stuck]
>Funny how all the duplicates are from Paul (& Jim, who keeps re-sending
>for some reason)
> Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys
>to teenage boys. -(PJ O'Rourke)
>Steve Conley
>Marysville, WA USA
>'76 MGB Roadster
>MGB Online =
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []On
>Behalf Of Jim
>Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 12:27 PM
>To: mgs List
>Subject: 3rd duplicates 1 of 2, 52TD Cyl Head stuck]
>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: Re: 52TD Cyl Head stuck
>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 11:41:29 +0100
>From: "Paul Hunt" <>
>Reply-To: "Paul Hunt" <>
>To: "Adam Arabian" <>, "MGlist"
>In the past I've freed an A-series head by slackening the nuts then
>it with the plugs in.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Adam Arabian <>
>To: MGlist <>
>Date: 25 October 1999 03:55
>Subject: 52TD Cyl Head stuck
>> Working on my 52 TD and tried to get the cylinder head off today and
>>had zero luck. All the bolts are removed per visual inspection and
>>workshop manual (The rear head cover plate is still on, but I don't
>>think that would impede the release of the head). According to the
>>workshop manual you should loosen it up with, er, purcussive pursuasion
>>(hit it with a hammer - with a block of wood between to soften the blow)
>>but this did nada to it. I tried lifting it from the visible edges of
>>the casting but to no avail (engine is still mounted in the car, and we
>>actually were lifting the car up instead of breaking it loose).
>> I'm assuming that its just that the gasket has turned to glue after
>>sitting for 30 years. Any thoughts? Bigger hammer? Bolts I might have
>>missed that need to be removed?
>>Adam Arabian