Hello All (Northerner for Howdy Y'all),
Another more elegant and easily adjustable way of blocking the radiator
without use of cardboard, is to purchase a black nylon mesh sunscreen
shade - the kind people stick to the side windows of their Suburbans.
These neat things are just about the same width as the radiator core,
and are self retracting so if you need to vary the blockage, just
lengthen or shorten a string or wire tied around something at the top of
the radiator. The shade can be mounted to the metal guard in front of
the radiator using screws or the suction cups that are included.
I thought I had invented this idea and would become rich and famous
selling them to MG owners worldwide. About 10-12 tears ago I saw my
invention in the MGA Mk II of Lars Traner, a fellow member of the
Emerald Necklace MG Register in NE Ohio. My eye caught a glimpse of a
1/4" diameter brass tube soldered to the top of his radiator. This 3"
tube was the guide for a pull chain to raise or lower the screen while
you remain in the cockpit. Very cool, No pun intended, of course.
Lars had bought his "A" new, and brought it from Sweden when he moved
here. Seems my invention was a dealer or factory option available in
those chilly climates. Lars was crazed enough to drive his car top down
in December, and he was very tall, so he could not duck down behind the
windscreen. I never did ask him why he bought the option since he was
immune to cold. All of that has nothing to do with the radiator blockage
and decent heat... just thought you needed to know about Lars.
1960 MGA 1600 very Red
1974 MGB-GT Damask Red
and a small fleet of others...