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Towing -- Barney's answer

Subject: Towing -- Barney's answer
From: "Simon Matthews" <>
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 11:50:50 PDT
Some months agon, Barney Gaylord posted a detailed analysis of this subject. 
I can only find part 2 of this in the archives (, 
but since this includes the concusions (read for yourself), I have attached 

Date: 17-Dec-1998 12:16:57
                Subject: Tranny oil flow - Part 2

                   [continued from part 1]

                Besides being submerged in oil, the layshaft also has a form 
of forced oil
                flow to the bearings.  There are holes drilled in the front 
of the main
                case, and channels cast into the front cover plate, such 
that oil can get
                to the front end of the layshaft.  The layshaft has an axial 
hole and one
                or more radial holes to allow oil to flow into the bearing 
cavity inside of
                the laygear.  Rotational motion of the laygear causes some 
                force (oops, sorry for the big word) in the oil between the 
laygear and the
                ends of the main case.  This force moves oil away from the 
layshaft at the
                ends, effectively dragging oil through the bearing cavity 
inside the
                laygear, and creating oil flow around those needle roller 
                Without this flow metal particles could accumulate inside of 
the laygear
                and accellerate the wear on the layshaft.  With this flow 
any particles
                there will be flushed out and (hopefully) settle out in the 
bottom the the

                And while we're on the subject, in light of this last 
statement, how many
                of you know that you should change the oil in the gearbox 
and rear axle
                about every second oil change?  More inportantly, how many 
of you actually
                do it?  Better check the maintainance schedule in the shop 
manual.  For
                most people this may nearly match the interval for flushing 
the brake
                fluid, another sorely neglected point.

                Now there's one more bearing in the gearbox, the one at the 
far rear of the
                mainshaft where the driveshaft connects.  MGA 1500s have a 
bronze bushing
                here with a sliding spline connector for the driveshaft 
yoke.  Very late
                MGA 1500s and all later MGA and all MGB gearboxes have a 
ball bearing here,
                and a flanged coupling for the driveshaft.  In the case of 
                acceleration a generous splash of oil may find its way back 
there.  At
                steady cruising this will not happen, but this action is not 
left to
                chance.  Along the inside of the rear case, about half way 
up on the right
                side, is cast another oil catch trough.  Whenever the output 
shaft is
                turning oil is splashed up here by the speedo drive gears.  
This oil runs
                to the back of the rear case where it can enter a cross 
drilled hole and
                end up just in front of the rear bearing.  There is a large 
flange in the
                casting here surrounding the mainshaft, so as to encourage 
the oil to flow
                farther back and to flow through the rear bearing.  Behind 
the rear bearing
                there is a groove inside the bottom of the case to allow oil 
to flow
                forwards below the rear bearing and through a hole back into 
the forward
                part of the rear case.  As such, oil will flow here 
constantly and bathe
                the rear bearing whenever the mainshaft is turning.

                Now as to the question of whether you can tow one of these 
things with the
                driveshaft connected without damage, the answer is a 
resounding "it
                depends", and what it depends on is the type of gearbox.  
The real parts in
                question here are the bronze bushings inside of 2nd and 3rd 
gears (and
                sometimes 1st), and also the needle roller bearing at the 
front of the
                mainshaft.  At this time it is my opinion that the oil pump 
being driven on
                the output shaft will NOT supply forced oil to the mainshaft 
while being
                towed in the 3-syncro gearbox, but that it will work in the 
                gearbox.  This is because the oil supply to the pump is from 
splash in the
                top of the main gearcase.

                In the case of the 4-syncro box, the large reverse gear on 
the mainshaft
                will always be turning with the mainshaft, and being 
unshielded will throw
                plenty of oil up into the catch trough on top.  So if the 
oil is at the
                correct level the entire gearbox would be properly 
lubricated by the pump
                while towing.  So as a challenge at this time, I would like 
to know if
                anyone has ever towed a car with a 4-syncro gearbox with the 
                connected and incurred any internal damage to the gearbox?  
I think this
                would not be a problem, and 4-syncro units can be towed with 
the driveshaft
                connected without worry.

                In the 3-synchro box 1st gear (shared by reverse) is always 
turning with
                the output shaft, but it looks to me that the shape of the 
1-2 shift fork
                shields the top of that gear and will prevent oil splash in 
the direction
                of the catch trough up top.  I do not know this for sure, 
but I may soon
                install a clear plastic side cover on a 3-syncro box and 
spin the output
                shaft in an attempt to find out.  This feature does not 
however necessarily
                preclude towing these cars with the driveshaft connected.

                For starters, I don't think that would be a good idea for a 
3-syncro car
                that has been sitting for some years without running, as 
there may be
                little or no liquid oil in the mainshaft bushings.  It would 
be a great
                advantage if the car could be driven for a short distance 
before towing to
                distribute oil throughout the gearbox.  I would guess that 
running the
                engine and idling it in neutral would NOT do the trick.

                If the 3-syncro car can be driven some first, then I think 
it would be no
                problem towing it for a short to moderate distance with the 
                connected.  I myself have towed an MGA more than 100 miles 
on the rear
                wheels without disconnecting the driveshaft, with no 
appearant problem, and
                no noticable wear on the 2nd or 3rd gear bushings when 
disassembled many
                years and many hard miles later.  Once there is a proper oil 
film in the
                mainshaft bushings it will remain there for quite a long 
time, as the gears
                in question are simply idling stationary with their own 
weight on the
                bushings as the mainshaft turns.  However, if the 3-syncro 
car is towed for
                more than a few hours with the driveshaft connected, the oil 
film in those
                bearings may ooze out or break down and solidify from the 
heat of friction,
                and this could cause some damage.  So in this case, tavel at 
your own risk.

                Any comments are welcome, as I think I will soon be posting 
this on my web
                site.  And once again, PLEASE do NOT copy this entire memo 
when responding
                to one or two of the finer points, but just copy the 
pertinent parts you
                wish to mention.


                Barney Gaylord
                1958 MGA with an attitude

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