Fellow listers,
our state MG club has a concours get together every
two years. All cars must be driven onto the display area and the engines
have to be started for judging. Some cars don't drive to far to get onto the
display area, but these are the Trailer Queens of the day. If this makes a
custodian of the car a happy MG owner and preserves a car for future
generations, that's fine by me. At the concours judging, the miles driven
per year are written on the car entry form and this is displayed on the
windshield, for the judges to take into consideration. My MGB LE is a daily
driver so a trailer Queen it is not, but it has won a couple of minor
placings at MG meetings. If my LE picks up a trophy, Bonus !! if it don't
win a trophy, no problems. I go to the concours for the fun day and to catch
up with the guys. YMMV
When I visited the UK a few years ago the cars which were previous Concours
winners competed in a seperate class, I think it was called a premier class
or some such. I guess this gave other cars a chance at the trophy trough in
subsequent years. Any UK lister like to elaborate on this?
Just my 2c worth,