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Re: paintng stock mg wheels

Subject: Re: paintng stock mg wheels
From: Alan Claffie <>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 06:25:01 -0700 (PDT)
--- wrote:
> I have a 79 midget and the wheels look pretty 
> shabby. i have seen the templates in the catalogs to 
> help in painting these. i have also heard the 
> templates dont work very well. does anyone have any 
> advice for a novice painter that would like his rims 
> to look better?

I too was told the templates don't work very well either, and I've been
painting wheels (at a very slow pace) since last winter. That there's
two cars involved (both mine and my dad's twin '71 Bs) and spares.

I've seen many MGs around here with wheels painted but without the
black parts done, and they don't look too bad, but I don't think I
could stand looking at my half-done wheels for too long before breaking
out the masking tape and finishing the job.

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