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Re: loss of power

To: Scott/Michelle <>
Subject: Re: loss of power
From: Art Pfenninger <>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 18:41:50 -0400 (EDT)
I would start by taking out the air filter and see how it runs. A cloged
filter will cause a problem like you describe.

On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Scott/Michelle wrote:

> Well it all started a few months back (six to be exact) when upon a crazy
> whim I decided to buy the pretty 75B, and upon arrival at my house she was
> in a sad state of disrepair. With love and diligence I had tons of work done
> to her, by a friend who ia a great mechanic.....but specializes in VW's.
> well now to her latest ailment. DPO says she was rebuilt 5000 miles ago, and
> then she sat....she sat and rotted for four glorious years...until we lost
> our minds, and bought her. Well she burns almost as much oil as gas these
> days, and has an extreme loss of power. We only have had  her on the street
> a short time...about a month. Upon acceleration she seems very sluggish, and
> of course there is the ever present white/blue smoke drafting from her
> tailpipe like a cancerous flag waving in the wind of fate. My question is
> this, where do I start to trouble shoot, it almost seems as if she isn't
> getting the gas feed she needs, but she does accelerate, just very poorly.
> Upon idle she kind of chugs, and shakes with a bitter rhythm. Before you
> laugh yourselves to death just realize that my mechanical knowledge,
> **though growing** is obviously limited to the problems I have had to fix
> already...and this is a new one. I know most of you probably chuckle a bit
> when you read my posts, and this guy for real....but hey I am
> giving it a try, and trying like hell to keep this LBC going! *LOL*
> Scott 75B
> in need of a caretaker with a better set of tools, and more knowledge of how
> to use em!

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