I have been driving Escorts since 87, To and from work 150 miles a day.
I have gotten an average of 200,000 miles from the cars then I sell them and buy
a new one. juat do the proper maintance. Carl E.
Michael Graziano wrote:
> I personally prefer Nissan, My 300ZX has 103K on it, and I have relatively
> few problems. My mother's '96 Maxima drives like a dream. We've had NO
> problems with it from new other than a recall which took the dealer a few
> hours to fix. THe only real problem I had with the 300 is that I had to
> replace the auto tranny. But that was a result of a mechanic not torquing
> the tranny pan bolts correctly after changing the filter and oil. Try
> proving that one.
> Michael
> __/__,_
> _____(_o___o_)_______________________
> / \
> | Michael Graziano |
> | Long Term Capital Management L.P. |
> | Phone: 203-552-5706 |
> | Fax: 203-552-5869 |
> | Email: mgrazian@ltcm.com |
> \_____________________________________/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don Walton [mailto:dhw@pinehurst.net]
> Sent: Friday, August 27, 1999 2:46 PM
> To: mgs@autox.team.net
> Subject: Reliability
> I was wondering what people on the list think is a reliable car besides
> LBC's. I think my B's are the most reliable vehicles I have ever owned and
> I ame sure that it is because of their simplicity and the upkeep which I do.
> Anyway, I am going to sell my Suburban gas drinker and I will have to get
> another vehicle. Unfortunatly, the SO will not go for the A which I would
> like to have, got to have a/c here in the sunny south, so any ideas? I
> think most 90's era cars have no personality and all look the same but I
> gotta do something......
> Don Walton
> 73 74 77 B's