Well here's a new one on me, maybe some of you could help.....
I have had my B on the road for about a month, and today, after a short run
to my favorite chinese restaurant my reverse gear wouldn't engage. Normally
this would look like a clutch problem, but it goes into reverse......but
just spins.....the car doesn't move an inch. After about three minutes of
sitting there she decided to reverse for me, and as strong as ever. So we
ate some lunch
and I thought about this problem. When we left the restaurant, approx one
hour...still reverse was fine, strong as ever. Next I ran SO to her office
so she could pick up a few things, and decided to test the problem again,
and sure enough, no reverse after a short drive of about twenty minutes or
so, except this time in a totally flat parking lot, the reverse would
produce some movement, but as if the e-brake was engaged, in other words it
was EXTREMELY sluggish.
Now I never noticed this problem in the past, as I am in forward gear until
I park, do whatever, and come out to back the car out and drive to my next
I have chatted with a fairly good mechanic buddy...and he is stumped, the
tranny seems to be fine, the master cylinder is NEW, the slave is fine,
there is nary a drop of either fluid leaking anywhere....HELP, what does
this sound like to you folks??????
75B, who won't back down......after a short drive anyway :)