Not that it makes it any better but on the twenty some Bs that my dad and
I have owned I have never actually seen the stayrod assembly on one of our
cars. I don't know where they are all going, but they don't seem to be
ending up on the cars.
James Nazarian
'71 B roadster
'74 BGT bastardization with big alluminum heart :)
On Mon, 9 Aug 1999, Max Heim wrote:
> For what it's worth, I don't have a stayrod assembly in my car, either.
> Didn't have it when I bought it, and now that I have a "generic" (BHM)
> engine and a 77 transmission, I don't know if I could fit one anyway. As
> I understand it, the purpose is to keep the fan blades out of the
> radiator if (1) you stop short and the motor mounts fail; or (2) you run
> into something at a low-to-moderate speed (at which point you have other
> things to worry about). As long as your motor mounts are in good shape, I
> wouldn't sweat it. But maybe I'm missing something?
> Andrew B. Lundgren had this to say:
> >As I get to know my B better I continue to discover that it indeed has
> >a sorted past.
> >
> >Part of the rear engine mount seems to be missing. For those of you
> >with a VB MG.37 catalog it is on page 93. It is depicted without a
> >part number (bad sign) for my year ('70). Number 7 seems to be the
> >same thing for the earlier models. I also don't have parts
> >31,32,29,28,30, or the part of the crossmember (if that is what it is)
> >that 28 mounts into, or the part that the stay rod would mount to under
> >then engine.
> >
> >My main support looks more like the one depicted in the top right
> >corner in that I have no part of this support other than a small hole
> >in the crossmember.
> >
> >Is this a part that everyone gets rid of or was my DPO just a DPO? How
> >much should I worry about getting one of these supports installed?
> >(Looks like a junk yard search for just the right car....)
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> >Andrew Lundgren
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Max Heim
> '66 MGB GHN3L76149
> If you're near Mountain View, CA,
> it's the red one with the silver bootlid.