Sorry, I'm no help. Here is my experience.
I called Ernie the owner of my trusted MG shop by now. He would tell me
when to bring or call AAA to have the car towed in to his place.
Ernie told me to leave the car, get out of his shop, wander around, have
lunch and come back before 5. (At 5 pm he closes up, an employee locks the
fence gate surrounding the shop and turns loose the two huge dogs with the
big teeth.)
At 4:45 I return to the shop, bring Ernie and the other guys who does not
have a name a cold beverage. I notice the car is outside the shop. Ernie
tell me it's fixed. I ask him, what was wrong and how much is the bill.
Ernie gives me a bill with stuff written on it in a foreign language and the
amount of $61.64 in American money. Why should I care what was wrong? Ernie
makes the point that I might commit suicide with a wrench.
Salud...Ernie. Car starts perfectly, runs fine, 35-40# at warm idle and over
60# at cruising at 3500rpm
regards..Mel Frank 71MGB GT regular driver