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Re: '77 'B smog results are in! longish

To: patrick bailey <>,
Subject: Re: '77 'B smog results are in! longish
From: John Walker <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 10:03:13 -0700
Does anybody else on the list get irritated when the
smog-nazis tell you that your little MG is putting 
out too much emissions then you see a big tuck or 
buss go by spewing black crap high into the air and 
that is perfectly fine with the state.
"diesel's burn much cleaner that gas engines" ass.
Damn that pisses me off.


At 06:36 AM 7/23/99 -0700, patrick bailey wrote:
>Great Steve!
>I'm glad you got thru the test Ok now
>you can drive it for 2 more years and
>have fun until the dreaded smog nazis
>come banging on your door again ( I have
>a year left)Let us know what smog shop
>you went to,maybe we should have listers
>put a list of good smog shops on the

        John Walker
~= Early 1974 MGB =~
       In Progress :)

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