Sounds like the wire from the O/D is connected to something you are touching
when you flip the switch. Because the O/D is operated from a solenoid it
will generate a back EMF of a couple of hundred volts or so when you switch
it off and is using your chest as a return path. With the ignition and O/D
switched on you may well be able to measure 12v somewhere around the switch,
possibly on the gear stick, although I would have expected this to be at
-----Original Message-----
From: Walt Goddard <>
To: <>
Date: 16 July 1999 16:57
Subject: Bad shock from O/D.
>Tuesday night I repaired/tightened the shift lever/OD switch on the 77. (at
>least I thought I did)
>Driving to work Wed morn. no problems, shifted in/out of OD fine. Driving
>home, had my left arm resting on the top of the door, steering with right
>hand. Switched to left-hand steering and reached down to shift out of OD.
>As soon as I started to flip the switch - WHAM!! - SEVERE shock across the
>chest. Didn't like that much so I didn't put my arm back on the door. No
>problems switching in/out of OD. Pondered a bit and chalked it up to
>unexplainable electronic phenomenon.
>Drove to work again, no problems (too cool to put arm on door in mornings).
>Headed home, arm on door. As soon as I switched into OD, felt sharp pain
>left arm like a needle or sliver poking it. Raised arm and checked for
>splinters, etc. (still hadn't really connected the OD switching with the
>shock). Found nothing, put arm back down and needed to shift out of OD.
>You guessed it - WHAM!! - SEVERE shock across chest again. Well this time
>know it had to be something to do with the OD, but I'm not sure what.
>One of the problems is my lack of desire to experiment with fixes since the
>experiments are quite painful. I did pull the switch and change the wires
>which is the only thing I could think of that might have changed. Have not
>driven it again and will wait for some words of wisdom, or at least
>encouragement from the list.
>Anyone have any ideas? Anyone? Anyone? I need a day off.