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Re: OT! - Scholastic Letter of Recommendation

To: "MG LIST" <>
Subject: Re: OT! - Scholastic Letter of Recommendation
From: "Dan Ray" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 19:04:21 -0500
I hadn't intended this to become a big OT thread....
The new tattoo regulation is, as I understand it, worded against visible
tattoos while wearing the uniform. Since I don't have any, I only briefly
scanned it when it came down. The intent is mainly for recruiters I think,
and it's against gang/racist stuff. I don't see anyone telling Gunny or
Chief to get rid of his anchor or wings! I can't believe the govt. is paying
for tattoo removal, but oh well. At the same time, they outlawed wearing of
ear, nose, eyebrow, etc. earrings while in civilian clothes on post.
(allowed off post, but frowned upon and unenforceable)
Ross...yes, there's an ed center, but they aren't too much help, and as you
might expect, us officers are pretty much expected to fend for ourselves. I
borrowed the Correspondence reg from the secretary, and she'll proof it when
I'm done (I should know it by heart from my time as an adjutant! Not!)
Thanks all for the advice.

73 B

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