Can anyone tell me where to look for the "time delay buzzer unit" on a 77B?
This is the unit labeled #290 on the Bentley diagram on pg. 242, or labeled
#30 on the Haynes diagram, page 201.
The Bentley book says it is on the bulkhead on the left hand side, but I
don't see it (unless I'm looking in the wrong place, which is around where
the windscreen mounting bolts come through).
Thanks much! (still chasing the no-start, panel lights come on when you turn
on the key problem...)
Allen and Marian
C. Allen Shaffer, Ph.D.
Director, Educational Resources
Adj. Associate Professor, Vet. Preventive Medicine
College of Veterinary Medicine
The Ohio State University
601 Vernon L. Tharp Street
Columbus, Ohio 43210