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Cooling It

Subject: Cooling It
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 17:17:21 EDT
While most tasks on the B seem to end up costing $$$$$$$ I used a few odds 
and ends today for a worthwhile improvement. At British Car breakfast today I 
had bonnet up and someone mentioned I needed to close gaps around my radiator 
and radiator diaphragm to improve cooling. After getting home and finishing 
paper I decided to see what I had to do the job. I used some old rubber 
gasket that I believe came from the seal between the body and doors to close 
off the gap between top of diaphragm and underside of bonnet. You could also 
use a strip of the gasket that goes around the engine bay. The gasket I used 
fit pretty tight by  pushing down between the two ridges at top of diaphragm. 
the other gaskets would fit on top of ridge.
Next I needed something to seal gap between top of radiator and diaphragm. A 
hard rubber gasket might work but I didn't have any and wasn't sure how I 
would attach it. I happened to have a piece of galvanized roof drip molding. 
I cut a piece about 18" long, tapered top corners to fit, filed rough edges 
and painted flat black with 500 degree fast drying paint. I drilled small 
holes through drip molding and matching hole thru front of diaphragm and 
installed some black metal screws. the screws also went through the gasket to 
help anchor it down.
Believe it or not it looks good too. I took it for 60 mph spin and everything 
stayed in place. Was only about 4 mile drive so B didn't get up to N where it 
usually hangs out. While have to drive for a week of Florida heat to see if 
it really makes a difference. 

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