> There is a switch in the trunk, looks to be factory..but PO has it totally
> disconnected. I am trying to find out what it is, it is just a toggle
> on the passenger side, way up at the top of the trunk, could this be a
> cutoff switch of some kind? or was it...or just what is it?????
Scott and Michelle,
That sounds like a very nicely installed fuel pump switch a previous owner
put in as an antitheft device. I have one in the same place in my 77 'B, and
when I park it for any length of time, I simply reach in the trunk, and flip
the switch off. If anybody starts it, (very unlikely--even experienced
valets have trouble with the manual choke!) they can't get more than a couple
of blocks before the carburetor bowls run dry. And nobody can get to it
without the trunk key!
Hope you enjoy your 'new' MGB!
Steve Sanchez
1977 MGB daily driver