Many of those have different grounds, so I doubt it is a ground problem, but
they all run off the green circuit - fused ignition. It is the second fuse
up in the four-way fuse block on the inner wing. Could be a bad connection
on the spade on in one of the several connectors in that circuit. However
the courtesy light, if it operated from door switches, is usuall powered
from the purple circuit - fused always hot. This is the bottom fuse in the
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: 30 May 1999 17:18
Subject: Down to earth
>Just finished replacing a rear main engine oil seal, yesterday in my 71 B.
>Started her up, re-adjusted idle, replaced bonnet, and all of a sudden, I
>lost my tach, turn signals, radio, and fuel gauge. My guess is a loose
>somewhere. Fuses are fine. My question is,where are all of the ground
>on a 71 MGB? The only ones I am familiar with are the battery earth, the
>engine ground on motor mount, and the ground behind the drivers side side
>panel. I forgot to mention that I alsdo lost my map/courtesy light. Ideas