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Re: Hood

Subject: Re: Hood
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 17:12:45 -0400 (EDT)
Hey guys, did the rest of the list miss something? Is there a show of some
sort coming up?


>Bud Krueger wrote:
>> Hi Carl,
>>      No question but that Saturday is the preferred day.  Sunday is just
>>a day of
>> departure.  Saturday is the Safety Fast Inspection, a couple of Tech
>>Sessions and some
>> sort of flea market/vendor sale area.  There's also popular judging of
>>the cars.
>> Bud Krueger
>> Carl French wrote:
>> > Bud Krueger wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > I had thought of that and might use a piece I have in the barn. I only
>> > need a couple of inches of it. I am working both Saturday and Sunday but
>> > am going to try and take off one of the two. I guess whichever has the
>> > most activities.
>> > Carl
>Thanks, I will try to be there with the CB MGB in BRG . It has Lucas
>'square eights" rectangular fog lights on the bumper. I don't have a hat
>Carl F

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